„Bréf (SG02-197)“: Munur á milli breytinga

Úr Sigurdurmalari
Fara í flakkFara í leit
mEkkert breytingarágrip
Lína 76: Lína 76:
The paper costs very litle.
The paper costs very litle.

I endose a bit of the
I enclose a bit of the

paper which I use.
paper which I use.

I also beg to prezent,
I also beg to present,

Thro you, to the Reykjavík
thro you, to the Reykjavík

museum in annotation
museum in annotation
Lína 88: Lína 88:
book in the handwriting  
book in the handwriting  

of that great Icelandic
of that great Icelander

Finn Magnusson.
Finn Magnusson.

Útgáfa síðunnar 5. september 2024 kl. 00:26

Sarpur: Menningarsögulegt gagnasafn – © Rekstrarfélag Sarps.

  • Lykilorð: myndir, rúnasteinar, rúnaletur
  • Efni: „Þökk fyrir sendingu á myndum af íslenskum rúnasteinum. - Bréfritari er sannfærður um að fleiri slíkir leynist á Íslandi. Aðferð við að taka afþrykk af rúnaletri á steinum er skýrð. Bókargjöf fylgir bréfinu. Umslag fylgir bréfinu, sem er á ensku.” Sarpur, 2015
  • Nöfn tilgreind: Finn Magnússon


bls. 1

Sarpur: Menningarsögulegt gagnasafn – © Rekstrarfélag Sarps.

Cheapinghaven, Denmark

May 8, 1869

My Dear Sir!

Allow me to thank

you for your great courtesy

in sending me 3 draw-

-ings of Icelandic rune-

-stones. These are a pre-

-cious addition to my ru-

-nic collection.

I am persuaded that

careful digging will lead

to the discovery of several

hitherto unknown runic

stones in Iceland, and re-

-commend the subject to

your zealous interest. I

would also beg to point

out the great advantage

of procuring paper casts

(thick paper, wet, placed

over the runic parts and

bls. 2

Sarpur: Menningarsögulegt gagnasafn – © Rekstrarfélag Sarps.

carefully beaten in with a

thick and not- too- hard brush.

Such casts, when dry, are

very hard and valuable.

The paper costs very litle.

I enclose a bit of the

paper which I use.

I also beg to present,

thro you, to the Reykjavík

museum in annotation

book in the handwriting

of that great Icelander

Finn Magnusson.

With great respect,

Yours very truly,



Sarpur: Menningarsögulegt gagnasafn – © Rekstrarfélag Sarps.

Hr Maler

Sigurðr Guðmundsson,



  • Skráð af:: Edda Björnsdóttir
  • Dagsetning: 6. 2013

Sjá einnig


