Bréf (SG02-18)
- Handrit: SG:02:18 Bréf til Sir G. Webbe Dasent norrænufræðings og prófessors, London
- Safn: Þjóðminjasafn Íslands
- Dagsetning: 12. september 1862
- Bréfritari: Sir George Webbe Dasent
- Staðsetning höfundar: London
- Viðtakandi: Sigurður Guðmundsson
- Staðsetning viðtakanda: Reykjavík
- Lykilorð: Þingvellir, ferðasaga, rúnaletur, Valþjófsstaður, myndir, Sprengisandur
- Efni: „Athugasemdir um dvöl Dasent á Íslandi. Beiðni um að Sigurður sendi kort sitt af Alþingi, sem hann segist ætla að birta í ferðasögu sinni. Jafnframt er minnst á rúnaletur í kirkjugarðinum á Valþjófsstað. Umslag fylgir.“ Sarpur, 2015
- Nöfn tilgreind:
bls. 1
very glad if you would lend
them to me.
Septbr. 12th
& Broad Sanctuary
Dear Sir
We returned to
England about ten
days ago, having had
a very peasant journey
to the North.
We found the passage across
Sprengisandr delightful, &
in fact we enjoyed our-
selves very much.
I should be very glad
bls. 2
if you could send back
by the next voyage of
the Arcturus the next plan
of the Althing & Thingvalla
as it is possible that
I shall write
an account of my visit
to Iceland, & therefore
wish to have the plan
as soon as possible
XXX at the same
time to put a price
upon it, & I wish
bls. 3
lend you the money
by the next steamer.
Prey (???) remember me
to all my friends
in Reykjavik where
I regretted much (???)
that I was only
able to stay to
short a time.
I think however
of returning to
Iceland next
year, in which
bls. 4
bls. 6
bls. 7
- Skráð af: olga
- Dagsetning: 09.2015