Munur á milli breytinga „Bréf (SG02-197)“

Úr Sigurdurmalari
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(Enginn munur)

Núverandi breyting frá og með 11. september 2015 kl. 13:19

  • Lykilorð: myndir, rúnasteinar, rúnaletur
  • Efni: „Þökk fyrir sendingu á myndum af íslenskum rúnasteinum. - Bréfritari er sannfærður um að fleiri slíkir leynist á Íslandi. Aðferð við að taka afþrykk af rúnaletri á steinum er skýrð. Bókargjöf fylgir bréfinu. Umslag fylgir bréfinu, sem er á ensku.” Sarpur, 2015
  • Nöfn tilgreind: Finn Magnússon


bls. 1

Cheapinghaven, Denmark

May 8, 1869

My Dear Sir!

Allow me to thank

you for your great courtesy

in sending me 3 draw-

-ings of Icelandic rune-

-stones. These are a pre-

-cious addition to my ru-

-nic collection.

I am persuaded that

careful digging will lead

to the discovery of several

hitherto unknown runic

stones in Iceland, and re-

-commend the subject to

your realous<ref>[ath óskýr skrift]</ref> interest. I

would also beg to point

out the great advantage

of procuring paper casts

(thick paper, wet, placed

over the runic parts and

bls. 2

carefully beaten in with a

thick and not- too- hard brush.

Such casts, when dry, are

very hard and valuable.

The paper costs very litle.

I endose a bit of the

paper which I use.

I also beg to prezent,

Thro you, to the Reykjavík

museum in annotation

book in the handwriting

of that great Icelandic

Finn Magnusson.

With great respect,

Yours very truly,



Hr Maler

Sigurðr Guðmundsson,



  • Skráð af:: Edda Björnsdóttir
  • Dagsetning: 6. 2013

Sjá einnig


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