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Lína 119: Lína 119:
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[[Category:1]][[Category:Bréf frá Sigurði Guðmundssyni til Sir George Webbe Dasent]][[Category:All entries]]

Útgáfa síðunnar 6. janúar 2015 kl. 00:39

  • Lykilorð:
  • Efni: Safn Sigurðar Guðmundssonar Aðfangabók Þjóðminjasafnsins bls. 67: „Bréf til Sir G. Webbe Dasent, norrænufræðings og prófessors, London. 11.6 x 18.2 cm. Dagsett 31.8.1871. Efni: Þar sem 10 ár eru liðin frá því bréfritari afhenti uppdrátt sinn af Þingvöllum til prentunar, og ekkert hefur gerst í þeim málum vill hann slíta samningum verði uppdrátturinn ekki prentaður innan árs. Bréfið er á ensku og ekki með hendi Sigurðar. Uppkast.”
  • Nöfn tilgreind:

bls. 1

Reykjavík, Aug 31. 1871.


You will recollect that in the year 1861

an understanding was come to between us

according towhich I undertook to make a

draw up an antiquarian map of Thingvellir

on condition that it should be published

the publication ofit should be proceeded

with as soon as possible. In the following

year that the pleasure ofrenewing ai-

quaintaneship with you, and tohearlearn that

it had it not been for inevitableunavoidable pressure of

business other occuaptions, the publication

would have taken placebeen effected already thatyear.

But as ten full years have now elapsed

without compliance withthe conditions having been fulfilled on

bls. 2

which I delivered my work up to you, I mustinto your hand

the importance ofthe subject obliges being made

public obliges me to make make a final to stimulate again that

unless the map be published within the lapse

condition on which to [??] this matter may

ofayear from this date counted, and that

be brought to an [??]ssful end

if this condition should happen not tobe

complied with, I shall consider myself

free to dispose ofthe matter as may seem

tome necessary and desirable. If Ihear nothing

from you, I shall consider the subject matter of

this my letter silently agreed to.

Belive me,


Your obedient servant

G. W. Dasent, Gsg

Printing House Square. E.C.


  • Gæði handrits:
  • Athugasemdir:
  • Skönnuð mynd: Sarpur

  • Skráð af:: Edda Björnsdóttir
  • Dagsetning: Júlí 2013

Sjá einnig


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